Tuesday, February 10, 2009

You aren't going to believe this!

Look at my lamp!!! Do you remember when I showed you this lamp that I fell in love with on The Bella Cottage website? If not, click here to read that post first.

Carol, one of my readers from Minnesota emailed me and said she had that same lamp and she wanted to send it to me!!! Oh my gosh! I have been so excited about this! When I came home from work yesterday it was waiting for me! It is even more gorgeous in person!

Now I need to recreate the lampshade to match The Bella Cottage lamp. I found the paper roses and this weekend I'm going out to try to find the exact same shade! I'll keep you updated!

Thank you Carol! I LOVE it!!!

Dreams really do come true...


  1. Simply gorgeous! And what a wonderful, thoughtful and extremely generous thing for Carol to do! I know you must be on cloud nine. It's going to be a beautiful addition to your home.

  2. You lucky duck !!! This goes to show you how much you are thought
    of not only for your kind and giving heart also your many talents
    and inspiration you share with us.
    This will be so pretty in your living area or your bedroom. Love it !!! Mimi

  3. You are one lucky girl, Cindy. Good for you. Carol is so sweet -- she's gonna get some points up in heaven for this! Joanne ~~ glamourgirljoanne@yahoo.com

  4. Well aren't you lucky!! It is a gorgeous lamp. What a lovely thing for Carol to do.


  5. My hats off to Carol for being so wonderfully generous in her gift to you. It's gorgeous and identical to the other one.

    Can't wait to see the shade of course.

  6. You have a very pretty home!
    Can't wait to see the shade that you'll make to go along with the lamp.

  7. Cindy...I am so glad it arrived safely. I think I was as excited as you. It will be beautiful in your home. Can't wait to see it with the new shade.Love your blog and would love to have a home like yours. Sigh....I can dream, can't I??

  8. You are incredible, Cindy!
    Have fun with the lampshade!

  9. I've always said "What goes around comes around" Life just works that way.

  10. That's great! How thoughtful of Carol to do that. Good luck recreating the shade. What a fun project!

  11. What a sweet lady Carol is! Whenever your title begins with "You aren't going to believe this!" or something similar, I know it's going to be great and nothing surprises me any more. You've got the secret for sure!

    Have fun creating that shade!

  12. OH HOW SWEET! Sometimes the ladies out there in Blog land can blow you away with their 'realness' and generosity!
    I am so happy for you to have that joy, and the memories as you look at and use that lamp everyday! It is a beauty!

  13. that's fantastic!! they are beautiful!

  14. What kindness! I think I am just as happy for you receiving your lamp as you are for receiving it! :o) It will look so pretty in your home!
    Sincerely ~ Tricia Anne

  15. Your on a roll.
    That just shows how many lives you touch by inspiring people or just making them smile. That was SOOOO generous of Carol.

  16. Cindy believe it or not! I have been ogling that SAME lamp for a long time too and esp. the shade! It is so lovely and the foot is beautiful as well. OHMYGOSH how sweet of Carol to send it to you!!

    Enjoy making the shade, be sure to post pics, and maybe I am going to try (just TRY) to make a shade like that, who knows!!

    Hugs from Marian

  17. Beautiful lamp! A what a wonderful, thoughtful friend.

  18. Wow...very generous & kind of her! It's beautiful Cindy & it will be perfect in your home.

  19. Cindy what a wonderful thing for Carol to do. I have a little cupid, a cup and saucer and tiny vase that looks very similar. My sister gave them to me. Maybe I can use them in my February Centrepiece so you can see them.

  20. Everyone loves you,And yes,it is stupendous.Congrats to you...ann

  21. Well I'm jealous!! In a good kind of way though (; How sweet of her and you are a lucky lady to have so many people who love you!

  22. Ah, you know I have been lusting for that lamp. I just can't bring myself to spend that much money on a lamp.

    I'm so happy for you, and I can't wait to see your shade.

  23. Hello Cindy...

    I follow your blog on a daily basis and just want to tell you how much I enjoy it! You are such an inspiration to me and so many others...so talented!!!

    Well my friend, I do remember that post about that fabulous lamp and I also seen it over at Bella Cottage. I'm just so very happy for you!!! What a sweet friend Carol is...to send you that pretty lamp!!! What a blessing!!! Can't wait to see your lamp shade...

    Warmest wishes...

  24. Hi Carol,
    Lucky you, it's beautiful.
    I'm looking forward to see the lampshade when you are done with it.
    Have a nice wednesday.

  25. Such a pretty and thoughtful gift. Can't wait to see it with your created shade on it, will be great!

  26. How beautiful! So nice of Carol to share that with you.

  27. Congratulations! I'm so happy for you. Carol is a wonderful and generous lady. Can't wait to see how you top it off!

  28. how pretty! aren't you lucky!

  29. how pretty! aren't you lucky!

  30. How sweet is that! Great gift for you, so sweet of her.

  31. What a heart-warming story! Cindy, I think you are so true to who you are in your blog that your genuine soul shows through these virtual windows to us all. You so deserve to have your dreams come true, and you sure have a lot of exceptionally nice people visiting you every day. I wonder if it's too late to get this gift into Saturday's newspaper about you and your blog! May your dreams continue to come true! ~Arleen

  32. You are so blessed.Just goes to show that you reap what you sow. You give so much to others, and it cant help but come right back to you! Enjoy the lamp. I know the lampshade will be wonderful

  33. That gorgeous lamp will be right at home with your wonderful decor..
    such a sweet thing for her to do.
    ;-) Bo

  34. OH my gosh.......that was so nice of Carol.....how generous of her. Course, us Minnesotans we are known for our Minnesota nice....

  35. Oh my word, what a fabulous gift, and that lamp is just absolutely stunning. Congratulations. I can't wait to see the shade. Hugs, Marty

  36. Cindy, I love the lamp and it shows you how much you are thought of!
    Carol, You are a generous soul to give such a wonderful gift!
    Blogland is wonderful isn't it!

  37. Hi Cindy :)

    That lamp is gorgeous! How incredibly sweet of her to send it to you!! What are the odds of that happening?? LOL

    Oh and good luck on your HGTV spot!


  38. How great is that?!!
    What a lovely person to send you the lamp.
    I hope you find the shade you are looking for. I saw some sort of like it on Jennifer Grey's website, www.theoldpaintedcottage.com Not sure if they are exact.
    Enjoy it!

  39. It's going to look perfect in your home! What sweet people there still are out there! It warms the heart! lauralu :)

  40. I am so amazed by how many gifts you receive just for being your sweet self. Very cool.

  41. Hello Cindy; How sweet of Carol to send you such a wonderful gift. I love that lamp, I can't wait to see the shade when you are done.


  42. Cindy,
    That was so sweet of her to send you that beautiful lamp! It goes just perfect in your romantic home! I know the shade is gonna be gorgeous too!
    Lee Laurie

  43. Wow!!!
    What an amazing
    GENEROUS gift!
    How wonderful is this?!!

  44. Wow that is a beautiful lamp! What a gift! I can't wait to see how you finish it.

  45. I noticed this lamp on the following blog today that is very similar to yours! Take a look at it - there is a partial close up in one of the pictures. This lady has a lovely home - just like yours.


    Teacup Lady (Sandy)

  46. Oh, Cindy, that lamp is beautiful.
    It's perfect for your home!

  47. That is a gorgeous lamp Cindy!
    I'm sure you can recreate that lamp shade pretty easily too!
    What a wonderful gift-lucky girl!~Smiles~Tam!

  48. I love your blog. I have enjoyed my visit tonight looking at all your posts! You are one talented lady! Your home is beautiful.

  49. What a sweetheart Carol is. Can't wait to see how you finish it off. That scalloped shade with the roses on it is so darlin' with that lamp.

  50. Hi Cindy..it will be a gorgeous lamp when you get done with it...where did you get the paper roses? I want to make a shade like that too....can't wait to see yours!! Have a great day! Linda ;)

  51. Bella, I found some paper roses in the bridal area at Michaels. The come in a package. I think it's going to take quite a few packages.

  52. Oh Cindy, that lamp is gorgeous! And it goes so well with your home decor. How nice of Carol to give it to you!...Christine

  53. What a gorgeous lamp, and a great friend! You are truly blessed. ;o)

  54. Good Morning Cindy,

    I am Carol's daughter...she has loved your blog and home forever! She has always collected and renewed old things, it's one of the things I love about her :).

    She is such a beautiful woman, I can't believe she shipped that old lamp to you! LOL...

    Kathi :)

  55. I bet you were so excited to looked inside the package and have seen this. How wonderful and generous Carol is for giving such a lovely gift. That is just incredible!

  56. That Carol is a wonderful gal!

  57. Wow, that was a really sweet gift!!!! CHEERS! Michele

  58. That is so wonderful! I have never found such sweet people as the ones I have found in blogland. It's amazing! Hugs go out to the wonderful person who sent it to you!

  59. That was so nice of her! I love the lamp but love the story of how you received it even more.

  60. I follow Kathi and know Mother Carol through her daughter's blog. They are the most gracious people all with the most kind and loving hearts. Doesn't surprise me that she would do this for you. It is a beautiful lamp. I can see why you wanted it to match your decor. You have a charming blog and personality.
    Anna @ flowergardengirl.wordpress.com
    @ The Charlotte History Examiner

  61. WOW! That is awesome. What a beautiful lamp, and how lucky you are :)

  62. Oh boy, do you lead a dream life! I think I told you that my grandmother had a matching pair of these!! Wish I had them now. Wouldn't it be fun if YOU had my grandmother's?!?!

    This will be outstanding in your beautiful cottage!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  63. Thanks Cindy for letting us know where to buy the paper flowers. It is truly appreciated...Linda ;)

  64. Hi Cindy
    Im a firm believer that dreams come true!! and you can attract things into your life like a lamp or whatever... I think you used the law of attraction, and that brought the lamp to you.. have you seen the secret? what you think about you bring about...
    thanks for sharing

  65. That is wonderful! That Carol is a generous person! I read her Daughter Kathy's blog, too! The lamp is gorgeous.

  66. I.m cottonreel and new to blogging. I have a lot to learn. Your site ! faboulous .I,m just re,doing my home into shabby chic. My son gave me a rather large pine kitchen dresser. I,m going to ask if he will mind if I paint it white. You know how carpenters feel about painting wood


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy