Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A Single Garden Rose

My roses are still blooming....one rose at a time! I guess I shouldn't complain just having one rose to pick, after all it is January and I know a lot of you are freezing and covered in snow. Maybe this rose will warm you up and make it feel like Spring will be here soon!
But if my one rose isn't enough for you than you should check out Rosy Inspiration. It's summer in Australia and her roses are GORGEOUS!!! She also has some great rose tips on growing roses on her blog.
We been having warm weather here in Northern California. It's been in the mid-70s so I'm sure I'll have more roses blooming soon! I can hardly wait!
The rose pictured above is called "Geoff Hamilton"


  1. Oh my gosh... I just posted about all the snowstorms we've been having here in the northeast. Your rose is just what I needed to see today! Thank you for the promise of spring... Donna @ An Enchanted Cottage

  2. It's crazy to think that roses are blooming, especially because it is freezing here in missouri.


  3. I'm so jealous. 70 and roses. All I've got to take pictures of is frozen apples and snow.

    Seriously, it's beautiful. I feel like we're going to be looking at a lot of cold snowy weather for a few more months here. Right now I'm still recouperating from being sick yesterday. Snuggling on the couch with my dogs and watching "Color Splash" on HGTV.

    Have a great day,
    Penny Suzie

  4. HI Cindy!
    The weather has just been gorgeous here too! We've a high today of 88! I had just mentioned on Anne Fannie's blog that I was imagining how her garden must be loving these warmer temps and then you post your rose. It's lovely!
    I hope you're having a fantastic day!

  5. wow nice rose .last night up here in northern ontario canada it went to -48 thats with the wind chill.

  6. Mid 70s sounds so perfect right now. Brrr!! I'll just dream about your rose.

  7. Oh, how pretty! And a pink rose to boot! I love roses and the color pink so this was a real treat today. I live in a suburb of Chicago and we have a good 8 inches on the ground today so this was really nice.

    I love your pink and green plate in the pictures.

    You take such lovely pictures. You are a real inspiration. I am glad I found your blog.


  9. I'm so glad I found you on flickr! Your home looks absolutely stunning!

  10. I'm loving the warm weather & my roses & day lilies are blooming too. Now watch, all of sudden it will drop down to freezing temps & my plants will die. The weather is just crazy!

  11. I'll take your pink lovely dish along with your great weather. Winter is not my thing anymore, looking forward to spring.

  12. What a beautiful rose. Yes I can't wait for the spring and summer. Geoff Hamilton was a great favourite of mine. I enjoyed his gardening programmes and have collected many of his books. Margaret

  13. Beautiful. It's looks so summery. I was going to cut all my roses back this week but with this warm weather not sure if I should or not.

  14. What a beautiful rose. I am so jealous of all of you in sunny California and Florida...not only beautiful roses but temps above freezing!!!

  15. Hi Cindy,
    Your rose is beautiful(; I love her blog, her roses are so pretty that they don't even look real! We have been hot here in FL. too, but we have a cold front coming in today and it should be in the 50's, I can't wait(: Stop by and see my roses, I must have been getting your esp, LOL.

  16. Hi Cindy
    The rose is beautiful. Don't you just love living in a warm climate? My orchids are blooming next to the pool.

  17. I just got our last ones last week before we trimmed the bushes way down for the rest of the 'winter'. (I too live where it's so warm.) We always trim them way back right around New Year's Day.

    I so love roses. Thanks again for you gorgeous blog and all the inspiration you give me.

  18. Your rose is precious, one is just right....I visited your link and fell in love with her roses....so lush..
    Thanks for all the inspiration.

  19. Sigh... that is so beautiful.

    It is so cold here one can find themselves frozen just in the time they must walk out to the mailbox.

  20. Hi Cindy!
    Your photos are so beautiful.. what a gorgeous rose!!!

  21. I live in Ventura county and it has been very warm here too. I have been watering my roses and I'm starting to see blooms. I love it. Mostly when I long for Spring so much.

  22. Cindy,
    What a wonderful gift you have given us all in the NorthEast. We have nothing but snow and freezing temps. The Rose is just gorgeous.
    Can't wait for the garden to bloom, so yours is just the perfect pick me up today.
    Thanks for sharing it. Enjoy

  23. Hi Cindy,

    We're in Pismo for the week and I just trimmed my roses down for the winter before we left and the weather warmed up. Oh, well. They'll be happy campers come spring - if they aren't horribly confused thinking I've played an awful trick on them right now!

    This is a beauty. Maybe one to consider this year!


  24. Cindy, thank you for sharing your bloom with us. We are months away from our roses blooming again, but we do have camellias.

  25. Lucky girl! It is so beautiful, with it's closed layers waiting to open. Looks almost like a peony.

  26. What a joy to see your single rose. We have tons of snow and the windchill is -35 degrees Celsius, that's about minus 31 Fahrenheit. Your post is a hint of spring in the coming months. Thanks.

  27. HI Cindy, did you know Geoff Hamilton was a gardener over here in the UK? He had several programmes on TV and wrote books including ones about Cottage Gardens. A lovely man. Put his name into google or amazon and see more about him and all his books.
    PS I love the smell of tea rose perfume don't you? whatever the weather you're in a garden full of roses in the summer!

  28. Almost 400 followers.wow lady.This has got to be a record.You are so very special...Ann

  29. Everything is so beautiful in your house. I love it all. Thank you for inspiring all of us! Blessings to you. Emily

  30. Thanks for sending those of us who are freezing some roses to remind us of summer.

    Love the china in that last photo. Pretty collection.

  31. Hi, this is greatma, one of your followers. I would like for you to be on my blog. I am just starting. Thanks for being a friend and follower of my blog. Greatma


  32. Beautiful! I have always wanted roses, but I have a hard time with them! We have hibiscus blooming!

  33. We're in GA and I noticed the jonquils are starting to bloom here. It's crazy.

  34. Hello Cindy, I have been by a few times - my favorite was your Christmas "China" tree - just amazing! But I had to comment that yes! I too, am a N.CA girl and had to turn the A/C on in the car this afternoon upon climbing in! 75 degrees in January! :) ~ Laurie

  35. We're in the middle of a cold snap, and looking at your pretty rose and pretty rose covered dishes was a perfect escape!

  36. Thanks for the beautiful reminder that spring will come again! ;-) Bo

  37. Cindy, I'ts beautiful and I love that rose plate too. Enjoy your warm weahter...I think its 0 here!
    If you get a chance stop by my blog to see my blue toile paper in my bathroom! How is yours coming along? Mary

  38. Oh my, roses in January. You have me thinking that western PA is not exactly the paradise of the world. Just kidding. The snow is so beautiful! But it is only one degree this am....brrrr.! Thanks for the lovely rose photo to warm up my heart. Peggy from PA.

  39. Hi Cindy,
    What a beautiful rose to be able to enjoy from your garden this time of year. Here in Canada, we have snow, so no roses growing here!
    I have an award waiting on my blog for you so please come by to pick it up. Have a lovely day and thank you for treating me to all your inspirations day after day!


  40. Oh I'm so jealous of fresh flowers right now!

    Really beautiful.

  41. Cindy, I live in Florida and have the exact bottle that your rose is in. Just wish I had your talent at growing beautiful roses!

  42. Cindy,
    Your rose is beautiful...I'm a pink rose kinda girl....there's a song "Just One Rose Will Do"....

    We have Shasta Daisies and a Daylily in bloom...not for long...it's suppose to be 20 degrees tomorrow night and 17 Friday night.....

    Betty @ Country Charm

  43. Lovely post and I'm so jealous! I'm in Wisc. and freezing my butt off. Cindy @ Applestone Cottage.

  44. Oh Cindy, I followed that link and have been given hope and inspiration that David Austin roses will work here in new south wales, not that I've even seen them for sale but i have seen internet places to buy them though they seem to really sell out quickly

    i have some lovely roses in england in my garden, it really is one of the things i miss, the wonderful english gardens, the damp and all the deep greens and pinks...

    oh well I can dream, and need to find a way to budget buy david austin roses, hmmm I guess I won't be finding those in the thrift store??


  45. Oh! Thank you so much for mentioning me here, I feel so honoured. I also feel rude that I hadn't replied to this earlier, as I've been away in the East having my long vacation. We've had a refreshing and fun time, I was so rapt to see your comment on my blog, it feels like I've been away forever.......
    Thanks again, I really appreciate what you've done.Keep up your good work here, now I'll need to go and catch up on reading your old posts.

  46. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  47. What a beautiful rose... I'm going to make a note of the name, thanks for providing it. You are so lucky to have them still. In Chicago it's 33 degrees right now.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy