Thursday, January 15, 2009

Sending you warmth and sunshine!

As I was listening to the news about the extremely cold weather that is hitting part our country right now, I found myself thinking about my blogging friends that live in these areas! I can't even imagine how hard it must be to do anything in that cold! I wish I could bottle up some of this record breaking warmth that we've been having in California and send it to you! Since I can't really do that I thought I would warm you up with something other than the white you are seeing everywhere! With this warm weather my bulbs are already starting to sprout. These are freesia and I can't wait until they bloom because they smell so wonderful!

Stay warm and safe!


  1. Yep, flowers still blooming here. It's getting very windy here though, maybe a storm blowing in.

    Hang on to your bloomers...........

  2. Cindy I live in St. Paul, MN 27 Below this morning. I can't stand it anymore. Thanks for the warm thoughts......

  3. I wish you could bottle some up for me, too! Thanks for sharing the sunshine! - Sheri

  4. I can't believe I missed the bulb planting season. I wanted to plant tulips so badly. My post is all about are sunny California sun too. I have been busy watering all my roses and flowers.
    They love it!

  5. The promise of spring. What a sweet gift. Thank you.

  6. Thank you for posting such beautiful pictures! It is very chilly here! All the color is gone and everything is muddy. I could almost hear the birds chirping and feel the warmth of spring when I saw your photos! Thank you!

  7. Oh my gosh, Cindy.. It boggles my mind that you probably just took those photos yesterday or today... If I wanted to post anything like that I'd be digging through my stash of summer photos. As it is, I had to post about the 'faux' lavender I just bought to get me through the rest of the New England winter! Enjoy the warmth... It's bitter here... Donna @ An Enchanted Cottage

  8. Thanks for the warm sunshine is freezing cold Georgia! If we get snow this weekend I will send you some pictures. It is a toasty 26 degrees right now at 3:30 in the afternoon! Our low tonight is supposed to be 7 degrees! Hope everyone doesn't forget about their pets!!

    Debbie McLain Horvath

  9. You made my day!How I look forward to Spring. I sat for a few minutes this afternoon in the sun streaming through our bedroom window. It was so warm, lovely and bright (especially reflecting off the two feet of snow we have). The outside temperature was minus 35 with the windchill but it was warm and sunny in that special spot for a few minutes. You have some lovely plantings and are very thoughtful to share them with us.

  10. Hi Cindy!

    Even I will gladly take some of that California sun and warm weather here in "sunny" Florida because that arctic blast is dipping down far enough to affect our weather too. Three out of the last 4 days have been dreary and cold (by our standards), and we're expected to get more of the same through next week. YUCK! Right now it is 58 degrees and very overcast. Not a ray of sunshine all day. The only "bright" spot is I have a big pot of homemade bean soup simmering on the stove for dinner. :)

  11. Hi Cindy,
    Thanks for the WARM's is SOOO cold and we just live with it. I WANT to move:) to Hawaii..but don't see that in my future.
    Easter is my favorite holiday and the bunnys are "sweet":) March is perfect for Easter decorations to appear.
    Freezing in MN...

  12. This winter heatwave has got to go! I was so enjoying the colder days and nights. Now having it in the 80's is to much for me.

    I do want to get some pretty pansy plants though. I just told my sister today I was going to get some. They are so pretty and cheerful.


  13. Thanks Cindy - I have not stuck my nose out the door today. It was 15 when I got up this morn. Down to 7 with wind chill of 0 or below tonight. Today I posted a picture of the last of the Summer flowers, that I took last Fall - now everything is dead and brown Thanks for thinking of us.

  14. Cindy, the pictures are just what I just outside of Chicago where the current temp is -9. Thanks for sharing some warmth!

  15. It is bitterly cold out here today. It's -9 now but was much colder this morning. I live in a suburb of Chicago.

    Thanks for the warm up! The flowers are beautiful!

  16. It is bitterly cold in Missouri right now, -1, and very dreary and gray. The flowers were a sign of hope that spring will come and life will be sunshine and color again one day! Thank you for the ray of hope!

  17. How beautiful! Thank you for the beautiful flowers! I live in northern GA, and tonight our low will be around 10 - 12, with wind chills of 0 to -5!!! The coldest spell we've had in 6 years. I'm soooooo glad I don't have to get up and go to work in this, but my sweet hubby does have to, and at 4:30 am, too. At least it'll be windy and so no frost on the windshield! ;O) Blessings, Becky G.

  18. I love your cyclemen arrangement. I'm headed to Trader Joe's right now to pick some up!

  19. Cindy we're in the deep freeze here as well as some of the others. This a.m. we had -10 below.. Right now it's only 10 above so your beautiful flowers look pretty good.. thanks for sharing.. hugs ~lynne~

  20. These are so beautiful, I just want to pack up mu bags and abandon Michigan for sunny California!

  21. I'm so jealous. It's freezing here!

  22. Oh beautiful. I do love Winter but not this awful frigid weather.
    Kipper says he wold love to visit you as going outside to *go* is not fun today! *smile*

    Thank you for the sweet flowers and warm thoughts...


  23. So that's where all the warmth and sunshine is! Thanks for being so thoughtful and sharing :) Those pretty flowers did cheer me up and give me something to look forward to ~ in about 6 months ~

    You enjoy your lovely weather!

    Karin from Michigan ~ brrrrr!

  24. The warm thoughts are appreciated but the flower pictures just make me sad. We won't be seeing flowers for a long time here in NH. Onmy 5 degrees for a high here today and it's supposed ot be even colder tomorrow.

  25. Hi Cindy, thanks for the beautiful photos. I can't wait until Spring!! Here in Ontario (Canada)we are dealing with a deep freeze. Buses have been cancelled for the 2nd time this week. We have had a high of only -28 and lows of -38
    Sure wish I was in Calif. right now!!

  26. The flowers are oh so pretty, but I sure would miss not having snow and winter. I don't even mind the cold. Sally

  27. Ah Cindy, you are very sweet. I could use some of that warmth. It was -49 degrees here yesterday with the wind chill. It was about -30 today, so it is warming up! I do live in Canada though, so what do I expect, eh?? Love your pics and your blog. Hugs, ~cindy s~

  28. Your photos are lovely and I spied a really cute birdhouse!

  29. Oh the flowers look so beautiful. We are having record cold here and schools are closing for tomorrow. Our two cats can't go out and our huge dog,we are going to keep her in the garage with a heater:) I am so ready for spring. Thanks for the pictures.

  30. Oh my goodness, those pics are a sight for sore eyes! It was about 16 degrees today in NJ -- not as bad as some places -- but it's supposed to drop below zero tonight. Ugh, I hate this weather!

    Thanks for the beautiful pics!

  31. Hi...
    Nice flowers... You have some lovely plantings and are very thoughtful to share them with us.

  32. You are so sweet Cindy for thinking of us and sending some warmth our way, It's pretty darn cold here in New England. The frigid cold stings the face when you go outside and the smell of wood stove stings the nose. The price we pay for living here but most days I love it.

    Think I'll have a cup of hot chocolate and snuggle in for the evening.

  33. in my random facts tag the other day i listed freesias as my fav flower, wild ones like yours not hot house grwon that dont smell!! freaky coincidence! *^_^* rosey

  34. LOVE the pictures of LIFE and COLOR.

    It is currently -10 here with a -30 wind chill.

  35. Thank you for sending some warmth and sunshine our way!
    It was 4 degrees this morning here in Missouri and this evening it is 6 degrees. It's funny how different the weather is from state to state.

  36. Thanks Cindy for sending us a little warmth our way. I'm in Ms. and it is suppose to get down to 20degrees tonight and that is COLD for us! I don't like it. But I really feel sorry for the people that live in the areas where it is below zero! I would want to stay inside the whole time if I could. I like all of your flowers, they are very pretty. Makes me wish for Spring.

  37. It's -18 with a wind chill of -31 in the suburbs of Chicago right now. Oh, for temperatures of 27:) . . . at least we get to enjoy bombfires in our fireplace every night.

  38. Hi Cindy, -10 here in Erie, PA lots of snow too. It actually is very pretty, especially when the sun shines on the snow...looks like tons of diamonds lying about. So, ok it doesn't need to be -10 to get that effect, but just think when it gets back up to 20 degrees or so that will feel down right toasty! :^) Enjoy your flowers, I sure am!

  39. Thanks.... we can use the pretty views... It's c-c-c-c-c-c-c-cold here in Missouri... 10 below yesterday with a wind chill of 27 below. But a heat wave right now at -1.

  40. A lovely thought; thank you Cindy. Your flowers are so pretty. Thanks for sharing them with us Snowbirds here in Canada.


  41. Thanks for the flowers.
    It's heading for a high of 13* today in our part of Pennsylvaina!!

  42. NY is freezing today but I'm sitting next to my wood-burning stove with a cup of tea and checking out my favorite blogging friends. Can't wait for the warm weather to get here soon so I can take a ride to the Jersey shore for some crab pizza. Sounds good, doesn't it? Joanne ~~

  43. You are just so kind. It is 9 degrees in this part of Tennessee at 10:00 in the morning.

    Funny thing is, as I was getting ready to check your blog, I was feeling envy at how warm it must be where you are, and then I felt really bad for feeling that way because you are trying to send some of that California sunshine to all of us. At least I'm not in St. Paul, right?

  44. It's so cold here right now! Thanks for sending warm thoughts. Feesias have always been one of my favourite flowers ... I even added a few to my bridal bouquet.

    Enjoy your warmth & sunshine! I'm only a tiny bit envious. :)


  45. Thank you So much for a glimpse of spring. I am in the Atlanta area and it is 21 degrees here today!!

  46. We woke up to -4 and snow flurries this morning. As I forced myself out of a bed at 6 a.m. to wake my 13 month old (also from a cozy warm sleep) so we could scrape the windshield, pile in a cold car and drive my 8th grader to the bus stop I really began to wonder what it was I used to like about winter. I'll take as much of that bottled sunshine/warmth as you care to send. Need my address? Of course, you know what they say, by the time you sent it we'd have a warm spell again. It's so crazy here.

  47. We could need some heat here in Sweden too. It's about 30F here now and it's getting colder. Brrr! And to see all those flowers at your place really make me envy you!
    I loved the chocolate bunnies in your former post too.
    Hope you get a nice weekend.
    Love Elzie

  48. Your flowers are always so pretty, Cindy. Having been raised in Southern Calif. then moving to the deserts of Las Vegas, I had no idea how miserable it can be to live in a state where it snows and is freezing so many months...the only good thing is looking forward to summer!!!!

  49. Thank you so much for the beautiful photos! I'm in central PA, where it is currently 6, with a -10 wind chills. It's far too cold to keep anything pretty and flowering alive here, so thank you!!

  50. Thanks so much. Very uplifting as we have -20 wind chill in southern Ohio today. Pam

  51. Thanks for trying to send some warm weather this way, we has wind chills of -15 last night. Yea cold. But I have been staying in as much as possible...I also love rags to riches pieces, the welting looks great leave it!!!
    Love the blog!!!

  52. I'm so jealous you have flowers's really cold here in Indiana. My son's wrestling team had a home meet (it was senior night, where all the seniors are recognized). We moms were all given carnations from our senior sons. From the short walk from the gym to our car, my carnation was frozen solid. It was a beautiful red until it started to thaw (then it turned black!) Heading south for the winter is sounding more appealing every day! It's 13 now with promises of 40s by the weekend. I can't wait! Enjoy your warmth and those beautiful flowers!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy