Thursday, January 08, 2009

Hide those ugly remote controls!

Ugly black electronic things look so out of place in my white summery home so I try to hide them all! The TV and stereo are in the armoire so when I'm not using them I can close the doors and not have to see them. I also hide my remote controls in this pretty covered dish which I bought at the thrift store awhile ago.

Of course, if you have a husband, he may not like this idea! ; )
On a different subject.... This is funny! Do you remember the post I did awhile back on Window P**ping? I'm not going to spell it out because it seems to be a common Google search phrase according to my stats. I'm getting some visitors (I'm assuming men) who find my blog by doing a Google search on "Window P**ping" (replace those ** with ee.)   They are probably very dissapointed when they see I'm talking about home decor and not what they were expecting to find when they clicked on My Romantic Home. Haha...they probably thought they found a great new site! I'm sure most of them just exit out quickly but I had one comment that I had to delete. I just thought that was pretty funny and I had to share! If you can't figure out what I'm talking about, you can click here to see my post about "window p**ping"


  1. I love the covered dish! I store mine in a pretty box. I know what you mean about black in a white/light environment. My home is mostly cream or pastels so black items like remotes are a real eyesore.

    As for the p**ping post, I had a similar problem, but a little worse on my blog. My blog name is Dream Mom and I write stories about my special needs son so when I tried to put Google ads on my blog, I began getting ads for porn and those searching for "hot mammas" along with other not so nice things. I had to discontinue the ads because Google couldn't stop the content. Yikes!

  2. LMBO! Seriously. Now that is some sort of funny. You forget what kind of nuts there are.

    As for the remote. I put mine in the drawer of the drum table. It seems a little silly since right now I dont' have the TV hidden, but what can you do. My hubby never puts it away, but he knows where to find it when I do!

  3. I love the dish. I have a lot of black but I still don't want to look at electronics if I don't have to. I read dream mom's comment. Holy cow! I never thought about that aspect of Google ads. It's a shame that is the way society goes these days.
    I have been so inspired by your beautiful photos that I am going to redo my green bedroom in softer hues sometime this winter. As always it is the last room to be remodeled because guests don't see it, even though we spend lot's of time there. Thanks for the beauty, Pam

  4. Cindy, I DO have a husband at home (for the last 43 years!!) and he wouldn't get upset about putting the tv remotes in your beautiful dish...he just wouldn't do it. I, however, think it is a wonderful, inventive idea. Good for you!! And, as for your previous post...I do believe you got all that wonderful work done in '08, but I don't see how. I think you don't ever sit down...or sleep! Have a great day. pat

  5. Hi Cindy!!! Ooooooh...I LOVE LOVE LOVE the remote holder with the precious Cupids all over...what a score! Thanks for sharing the great tip ~ xo Joy

  6. I'm loving the suggestion to "hide" the remote, maybe I wouldn't lose it so often :o)

    But oh my, I can't believe those strange men! I guess they were looking to find a little romance at your romantic home? lol


  7. I have always been a remote control hider type of gal! My family is so used to it thought that I hear no complaints. I also make sure no video games or consoles are in view when not in use. Silly, but hey, it keeps my home neat and tidy :)

  8. Neat idea! Is that a potato dish? My mom has a similar one that is very old and she says she was served mashed potatoes in it her whole life (she is 70).

    I hate remotes but I do have a husband who would roll his eyes and refuse to use it except when we went to bed!

    If you have a moment, I could use your thoughts on my post today. This isn't your "style" but you will look at it with a little different perspective and I am really interested in what you have to say!

  9. The covered dish is so pretty. I can not stand wires, remotes and plugs. I try to hide all those uglies.

  10. great idea! i have a covered dish i was considering giving away, but this could give it new use. though, i think you're spot on w/ the hubby thing...getting him to actually put the remotes in there would be the hard part. lol

  11. LOL Men can be such pervs!


  12. Great idea about the remote! Only problem is, my hubby is TERRIBLE about putting things back where they belong. So doubt if it would work in our house! I actually stand back and giggle watching him tear the living room apart looking for it....wouldn't it just be easier to change the channels on the tv? :)

  13. Another fabulous idea! Beautiful dish and I like the idea of hiding the electronics in the armoire, too. I am amazed at yesterday's post....I am a complete slug next to you! And seeing it all together...How do you get all of your large fabulous finds home??? That would be my biggest challenge!

  14. chez sheri: My ex has a truck so I ask him to help me when I find big peices. I put he the dining room table and chairs in my car. It took three trips but I was able to do it myself! I just had to take the legs off the table first. It's amazing what you can fit inside a Camaro!

  15. Oh,Cindy, I think that is so funny about the p**ping! Bet he had a different idea about the "beauties" that we enjoy on your blog! Serves them right!!

    Love your dish idea! And a very pretty dish at that.

  16. Oh my Cindy! When I previously read your window post and totally agreed that I was one too I never even thought for a second it could be interpreted in an undecorating way!!!lol too funny! I also did a search looking for background papers with cherries and was told I could not do that on their site because it was "adult"! Where is everyone's mind these days!!!!lol I love love this idea for remotes but you're right my husband would just break the dish and/or never use it!!!(See being single does have it's advantages when it comes to decor!!!)lol Have a great day - Sincerely, Jeannette

  17. That is a fantastic idea. I hate black electronics and hide them whenever I can. It will also help keep Lulu from chewing up the remotes. Last time I went to Target, I bought several $6 universals to keep on hand.

    About the window p**ping, I am a chronic nighttime p**per. I do it to steal their decorating ideas. It's like burglary without ever entering their property. When I first started my blog, I was going to call it bored housewife, but when I did a search of it, you can imagine what I found.

  18. I can imagine what goes through their mind when they see that on the title. They probably want to see naked ladies through the windows. Shame on them.

    Yes, remotes aren't the most attractive mine wouldn't stay in there for long. But nice to put away in at the end of the day.


  19. GM Cindy...great idea about the rmote but I would have to get it unglued from my DH hand first haha!! and how funny about the window thing..hope you have a great day..come by and see me sometime girl..hugs and smiles Gloria

  20. Ok, So do you remember when I emailed you (a few months ago) about that product that someone wanted me to review and feature on my Health and Fitness Blog. My Christian Ladies Health and Fitness Blog.... The product was totally inappropriate. I written a post about my Swiss B**l about a week before. I wonder if they did a search and thought "Oh well, all she can say is 'No!'" I can laugh about it now.

    I have been reluctant to post anything about a Swiss B**l since. But after seeing your **** I will start back. :D It is a very good exercise tool.

    It is funny, but ridiculous that we have to change the way we type our words to keep undesirables away from our blogs. LOL!

    Great idea to store the remotes. We just need to find ours. LOL!

  21. Ohh that is too funny about the window p**per-lol!

  22. Hi Cindy:
    I am still laughing over the window peeping...who would of thought!!! lol
    Great idea for the remote control. It wouldn't work in my house but if I lived alone, I would sure do it.

  23. Love your dish! My husband calls most of our covered dishes (and boxes) "treasure chests"..because they hold items he is looking for!

    I have a covered box on the table by the front door for him to drop his keys, change and wallet in....

  24. Love your idea for remotes, Cindy, and the part about the window p**ping is too funny! I edit for a living and I've come up with some wild websites for what I thought were innocuous words.

  25. Cindy I've been hiding my remotes for as long as I can remember. I've never liked the look of electronics, still don't! Now if I could just talk hubbs into parting with the big screen, I'd be happy. It's such an eyesore in my cozy little space. I affectionately refer to it as the "whale"...NOT! blah!
    Loved the window peeping. I too love that look and long ago when I worked in Pasadena, I'd drive home through rather afluent neighborhoods and would love to peek inside when the lights were on. Even the big old mansions looked "warm and cozy".

  26. I like your idea of a pretty place for the remote.

  27. What a good idea, maybe I could find it the next time I needed it. Your dish is beautiful as is everything I see on your blog.

  28. I guess I'm the oddball here. I am married but I'm the one who controls the remote. ;o) It's really not because I wear the pants in the family, it's because I can read faster. I keep mine in an old roses tin.

    When I first signed into yahoo, many years ago, I stupidly used the moniker "Redheaded Honey" because I have red hair & my grandkids call me Honey. I got a lot of suggestive IM's so I had to change it to "its me". *grins*

  29. Love the pretty little dish for your remote!!! I keep my remotes in a drawer but a certain individual (DH) never remembers to put them away! LOL

  30. That's really funny! I noticed you had more men leaving comments lately.
    I hadn't even noticed that your TV wasn't visible ~ you have so many beautiful things to admire that it hadn't even occurred to me that a TV set was missing. A covered dish for remotes is a great idea!


  31. I bet those guys were disappointed, Sorry Buddies..

    Cindy darling, the covered dish is lovely. That is why I couldn't shop with you. Something like that, I WOULD WANT. Do you see what I mean? The only thing that would work, your the blue lady and I'm the pink one. Unless we toss a coin with something we both liked.

  32. I p**p! Just in passing of course. Gives us inspiration for a walk in the neighbourhood. Great paint colour ideas too:)
    Great dish for your remotes~~so pretty. Our problem is three males and four TV's with DVD players etc. Most often the remotes are in the couch or chair cushions. I am working on this though.

  33. Another super idea Cindy!

    OMGosh! That is funny. I can't believe one of them had the nerve to leave you a nasty message. xoxo

  34. Love the remote dish,great idea!

  35. Hello Cindy!

    What a lovely idea! I put mine away in a drawer, but love your idea much better and it is a whole lot prettier!



  36. Cindy, you must be a mind reader....I was just going to email you and ask you what you do to hide your electronics and posted it. LOL I love your solutions.

    You mentioned your tv and remotes...what about your pc?

  37. Great idea for the remotes! Maybe some of those p**ping toms decided it would be a much better use of their time to redo some furniture after visiting your site. Although, I guess for some your idea of a romantic home was not the same as theirs. Just yesterday I was looking at my analytics and found a couple of odd Google searches, too. I guess we have to be careful what we say because we never know who is watching -- or p**ping!

  38. What a great idea!! I hate that my remote looks so ugly sitting on the coffee table. I am now going to make it my mission to find something like this for my remote. Thanks for the idea.

  39. LOVE this idea of the covered dish. My hubby wouldn't be upset about these either, but he wouldn't be the one to put it in there though. lol

    I followed the link to the Window P**ping entry, and YES I window P**P too so you are not alone!


  40. I tried this once, too. I have tried every few years. I bought an antique mahogany humidor, I bought an antique cigar tin, etc - thinking something "manly" would be more enticing. Evidently, one of my husband's personality traits is his unwillingness to keep the remotes out of site. Maybe he is afraid the Remote Trolls will come in the middle of the night and steal them. Who knows! So they sit by his chair until company comes. I have had great pleasure the past few months when my 3 yr old grandson "borrows" Grandpa's "'motes." It allows me to say "see, if they were put away..." LOL
    Too funny about your visitors. Maybe they stay long enough to pic up some good decorating tips for their porn rooms. :-) Hugs, Barb

  41. Love your hiding spots!LOL! the covered dish is fabulous! Happy New Year~:) chris

  42. I love this idea!

  43. Love this idea! How gorgeous is the box?
    I love it! :)

  44. Oh gosh! I need to learn from someone like you. You have great ideas AND you can make yourself get up and do it. I lack those two qualities a lot of the time.

  45. Oh, those google searches!!

    I did a post about breastfeeding clothing a couple years ago and I'm still shocked at the weird "boob" searches I receive.

  46. Great idea for hiding the remote! And you always know where it is too! Not sure that would work in my house where the remote seems to have legs.

    That's so funny about the window peeping pervs thinking you had a naughty blog! At least they realize that its not what they thought and they leave!


  47. Hi Cindy, Always love your post. I hide my remotes in a old inlayed chest board that when closed up creates a box. I don't like seeing those ugly things either.
    Maybe you could change your post to be "Window shop" instead of window p**p. :-) That funny and sick, all at the same time. :-)

  48. I love your remote control holder. Perfect!

    Isn't it funny to see how people arrive at our blogs? I think you win the prize for funniest, however. LOL

  49. Great idea with the covered dish! And the window p**ping was too funny! I too can't resist an interesting window, especially at Christmas. Your blog is really beautiful and I do enjoy visiting!

  50. You are so right, husbands don't care so much for pretty places to stash the remote controls!! I try...

  51. I am always trying to find a way to hide those ugly pretty.

  52. Ha - funny about window p**ping. But I like your remote storage idea.


  53. What a beautiful blog you have! I am an artist as well as a crafster, so I simply love dainty and delicate things, like the ones you have picked. Wonderful job.

  54. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy