Sunday, January 04, 2009


I thought I could do it. Sometimes I think I am capable of doing anything... a real independent woman!  I'm not!  My faucet was dripping so I figured rather than call my landlord that I would fix it myself. After all, I put in a new prettier faucet because I didn't like the ugly standard apartment faucet that was here when I moved in.   I know how to fix a leaky faucet...really I do!  The only problem is that the water underneath the sink wouldn't shut off completely so after I took the faucets off to replace the gaskets I couldn't do it because they kept filling up with water and the gasket would just float up!  The next step would be to shut off the water outside but then the whole apartment complex would be without water so I did what I should have done in the first place...I called my landlord and she gave me the number of the plumber.  Now I have to wait until Monday...why do things like this always happen on Sundays?

On a brighter note...I'll be having a giveaway!  Hopefully I'll have more details for you sometime Monday!


  1. Don't you hate these annoying types of problems? I, like you, fix many things around here myself due to hubby's job traveling each week. However, we super women (you and I) do have our limits sometimes :)

    It'll get fixed ~ you'll be happy.

    Happy New Year!!



  2. Oh Cindy you poor thing! I know how that can be, I hope it will be repaired tomorrow for you. I hope you have a nice week! ~Smiles~Tam!

  3. I get myself into trouble like that myself. Try to fix the toilet and create a bigger problem. At least you gave it a good try.


  4. LOL sounds very familiar to me, I hate asking for help so I'll try myself first not always a good thing.

  5. It is so annoying but sometimes you just have to get a man in, LOL, Margaret

  6. if i hear a drip i have to find it and shut it off or at least put something under it to deaden the noise!!! good luck ignoring the problem %*_*%

  7. What a bummer. Hope the plumber gets there first thing in the morning!

  8. I am soooo impressed that you even tried to fix it. You are soooo cool. Plumbing and electric I always leave for the pros.
    Happy Monday!

  9. They always do -- I've never seen a problem like that happen on a Monday morning -- it's always late Friday or early Saturday!

  10. It's great that you tried to fix it Cindy! Here is hoping the plumber comes early! I am having a giveaway too. It ends at noon EST today.

  11. I am just impressed that you can even discuss it in intelligent terms!

  12. I tried to do the same thing once, and ended with a geiser in my kitchen~ not a pretty sight! :) Good luck today!


  13. Morning Cindy! I know you could've fixed it if it wasn't that darn water that ruins the valves! I tried once too but the hard water made turning the valve completely off impossible!(I usually get frustrated and then get myself in trouble breaking things!lol) I'm wishing you a cute plumber and not the one's I usually get with the crack peaking outta the pants!lol Good Luck - Sincerely Jeannette

  14. Oh, that sounds all too familiar!!
    I try being the independent gal and fix something, end up calling a pro to do it anyway, But that is how we learn! lol
    Good luck on the repair~~

  15. Sure hope you get your drip fixed.. nothing more annoying.. I understand "all" about water problems.. good luck
    hugs ~lynne~

  16. I just love your beautiful home!!! I am glad that I found your blog! :)
    Happy new year, from Norway...

  17. I'm with you on the craziness that a dripping faucet can cause. Unfortunately, I am NOT handy, so I have to rely on my very busy husband to fix these things....resulting in a lot of drippy faucets to endure.....Happy New Year!

  18. Yep - either on Sunday's or holidays ...that is also the ONLY time horses get sick too!

  19. Oh brother! Do I hate leaky faucets!! At least you are good about caring enough for your property to call your landlord. We have 4 rental properties and generally we find out there is a leak when the floor falls through. LOL I agree - why do things like this always happen on Sundays, right before we go to bed, or in the middle of the night? ugh! Hope your week gets better! Hugs, Barb

  20. You are too funny and too cute. My mom would of done the same thing. Me-- I would of called my Dad.

  21. Hi Cindy:
    I think plumbing problems are the worst. Especially if it means shutting the water off. Hope you don't have to stay home and wait to let the plumber in...

  22. Yep! Always on a weekend or at night when the rates are higher. At least you tried. Plumbing and electrical - I don't touch.

  23. You are right. Plumbing problems always happen on Sundays or Holidays when places are closed or would cost an arm and a leg to hire someone. But, I'm impressed that you know how to fix it! Way to go Cindy!


  24. You go girl for trying to fix your own plumbing. There's nothing I hate more than waiting for a plumber to show up. I would so enjoy either of your wonderful give aways. Mimi

  25. You are sure a lot braver than I am! I wouldn't dare such an endeavor, for fear of the exact same type of dilemma. And it always seems to happen on a weekend.

  26. You gave it a good try. Good for you.

  27. Can't help you with the faucet, but if you need any kitty litter, I use the same brand! Just let me know. Um, how long do you think it would take to get it to California from Michigan?

  28. dear cindy, i am a 60 year old grandmother (o.k., almost 61) who has just gotten into computers and blogspots. i still have a lot to learn and this is the first time i've ever commented on a blog. it's nice to find an "older" blogger as it seems most of the shabby chic bloggers are young enough to be my kids. please enter me in your giveaway(either or both) thanks! tina sandlin- lousandlin62@

  29. My mother always fixed things around the house. I didn't inherit that talent, tho. At least you tried to save the landlord some money, plumbers can be pretty expensive.


  30. I'm new, just found blog her and went looking for gardening and decorating blogs. You place is beautiful. And bravo to you for even trying plumbing. I hope you got it fixed today.

  31. Oh, no! I think it's great that you gave it a try though! That's more than I would have done! I am glad you will be able to get it fixed soon! :) Have a good night!

    P.S. I also wanted to say a little thank you for your link to "Betasseled". I had been working on a tassel, but had some unanswered questions. Not only did I find out the answers, the tutuorial was easy to understand and gave such great ideas! :) These are going to be addicting to make, I can feel it! :)

  32. Cindy,
    I would love to send my son, the Plumber to your place and fix your faucet.
    fair warning: I would tag along, too ~


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy