Tuesday, August 21, 2007

My Cottage Style Bedroom

My Cottage Style Bedroom, originally uploaded by Romantic Home.

Thanks so much to all of you that left such sweet comments on my last post. Blogging has become so much fun for me that I can't imagine not doing it! I never expected to love it so much. It's like a job at times, but it's a job I LOVE. I stress about what I will post about tomorrow, next week, the week after that but I've learned that it just sort of comes to me day by day and I shouldn't worry about it. I've watched my blog go from very few readers to now over 500 a day! I still can't believe that over 500 of you are reading this and that you keep coming back to read this day after day. I also can't believe that I started this blog over two years ago. Time does fly when you are having fun! I started this blog originally as a knitting blog but I never had enough confidence to post pictures of my knitting. I never knew at the time that there were home decorating blogs. How ironic that I named my knitting blog "romantic home" . I'm rambling but I just wanted to say thanks to all of you who keep coming back to read my blog and for all your wonderful comments. Your comments bring me so much joy!

I know I've posted pictures of my bedroom before but since I can't get the pictures of the cute apron I made off of my digital camera and onto my computer to show you I'm posting old pictures of my bedroom. To see my bedroom makeover click here.


  1. As one of the 500, I vote for blurry pictures! I miss you when you don't post. Love, love, love your bedroom pictures. Got to fly... time for school!

  2. Your bedroom is beautiful! Thanks for posting the pictures again. I didn't know you when you first posted them! Can you say where you got the cute cottage sign?

  3. Penny, The cottage sign came from http://www.shabbycottageboutique.com/ I don't see any on her website but you could probably email her if you are interested. She paints them herself.

  4. Hi Cindy, so glad to see you are still here! Your cottage style bedroom is so beautiful, and there are so many wonderful little touches to look at!

  5. Such a pretty bedroom, love that hankie valance- and all the neat touches you have done to the room! I got a cute book yesterday and it had a hankie valance like yours and used painted clothespins on it.
    Glad you will still be blogging :)

  6. I love your bedroom. That is a romantic, sweet place. I love the colors and what you did to coordinate the space!

  7. Yay!
    Glad you are here today.
    Love the bedroom too!!!

  8. Hi Cindy, I'm glad you are still blogging even with no pictures. I look forward to reading you every day and seeing what you are up to or buying!!! I'd miss you if you quit so bring on the blurry pics and have a wonderful day.

  9. I'm glad you posted again. I look forward to your posts each day...always a little piece of eye-candy or a great decorating idea. Keep it up, please!

    PS- I was looking through all of your flikr photos and saw your Valentine cookies. They were so pretty. Would you share the recipe for the cookies and icing?

  10. It's gorgeous! I am inspired by this sort of room, and all your pics. Sue

  11. You know I'm a big fan of yours, but that thing you did to your rangehood was sheer brilliance!!
    Your home is beautiful, rental or not...


  12. One I'm of your 500 readers and would rather have blurry pictures than no pictures or blogging from you at all.
    Your bedroom is simply gorgeous!
    I started my blog for my scrapbooking and have shown one page - haven't had too much time to share nor to much time to scrapbook.
    I just love this bloggin' thing to and am amazed at the wonderful people I've met through mine.
    Love your blog and I'm glad your break wasn't that long.

    have a great Wednesday.
    Sandy :)

  13. Isn't it funny how our camera have become an extension of our own arms! The really pricey cameras are not a great as they are cracked up to be. Mine was well under a hundred and I love it.

  14. Cindy, I love reading your blog everyday; you continue to give me inspiratation, with or without photos.

  15. Oh.... please don't change that blue it is WONDERFUL. I love blue and white..our bedroom is blue and white ...but not as romantic as yours..you have inspired me to make some changes...really BEAUTIFUL room...

  16. Love, love, love your bedroom. This was such a treat for me as I had not seen your previous bedroom photos. Thanks for the continued inspiration.

  17. Cindy...

    What a beautiful bedroom you have! It is just lovely... I am in the mid of a break, but I had to take a moment to say hello. Yes blogging is very rewarding, and I love it too.



  18. Cottage style is the perfect style for your bedroom, I love your blog.
    Keep up the good posting and we don't mind a bit of a blur between friends.
    :) Bren

  19. I agree with Gayla...blurry pictures are okay! Just don't stay away!

    Your bedroom is gorgeous. I know I have told you that before but it begs repeating!


  20. You bedroom is dreamy! Just lovely! Thanks for posting!

  21. Cindy-Yours is the first blog I check out everyday. Don't stop. You are sooooo inspiring. Too bad you don't live in Chicago. I would love to have someone to thrift and garage sale with on Saturdays.

  22. I love your bedroom. That hankie penant is beautiful!

  23. Cindy its beacause of you that I have a blog! :) I first came to know your lovely home on HGTV's Rate My Space, so thank you...for being an inspiration and sharing your finds and how you use them so beautifully in your home! I also appreciate your kind words! :)

  24. i love your bedroom and as i told you before, i love the headboard..its lovely..

  25. I read a lot of great Regency Era novels, reading one in your bedroom will be like heaven!!!!
    I love love this picture!!!

  26. This so beautiful! Thanks for the pics. It makes me want to do more with my home.

  27. What a beautiful bedroom! As a newbie to your blog, I love it that you are posting these pictures again. Just my style! : )

  28. Well...I'm new and hadn't seen it before so thanks for sharing them again! Your bedroom is lovely. How do you get any work done? I'd never want to get out of bed in such a room. :)


  29. Your bedroom is absolutely gorgeous! Am voting for blurry camera as well! I didn't see these pics the first time around, so many thanks for showing them again!

  30. I just came across your blog and your bedroom is lovely. I am an author and I am currently writing a book about bedding and I adore your swag of pendants. I also enjoyed your post on step by step painting. I'll check back in later to see what you're up to. You can see my blog at jackiebluehome.blogspot.com. I hope you will visit it.
    Jackie Von Tobel

  31. What beautiful pictures of a wonderful home. Thank you for sharing. I am inspired...

  32. I have always dreamed of a room like this one. I like the country feel in these kinds of room.

  33. Just love the look. Great job.

  34. Hey Cindy,

    Thanks for sharing us great blog. I enjoyed it so much. I am looking forward for more great articles.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment! ~Cindy